Image of myself

I like CTF's and stuff.

Yo. I am part of the b3R4bb1t$ and Nesting Doll (inactive) CTF team.

Capture the flag competitions

  • Fun CTF with some cool Forensic challenges. Gona try again next year to get top 10.

  • Just like last year our team got into the top 10 and will participate in the finals. I'm hoping for a top 5 placement this year.

  • 46th place

    Sick challenges. At first we had a really good placement but turns out that can change really quickly. Our team name for this CTF was 'Nerdsssssss'.

  • 22th place

    For this CTF we played under the alias 'The Analysts' and placed pretty well. I solved a few challenges but was stuck at the helpmeee OSINT challenge forever and sadly didn't solve it. The staff was kinda strict when it came to alternate solves and didn't give hints if the flag was slightly off.

  • Shoutout to everyone who maked nahamcon possible. It was a great event with a lot of interesting talks and a really cool ctf competition. I really liked the challenges they were probably some of the best I have seen this year. See you at NahamCon 2024.

  • 20th place

    Fun CTF with challenges for beginners, intermediate and advanced players. The Pwn category kept us from a top 10 placement because nobody on our team is good at pwn. We need a pwn player!

  • The style of this ctf was very unique and fun and it was the first to have LLM injection challenges which were really fun. Our placement could have been a lot better but we kinda just wanted to check out the challenges not get a good score.

  • 24th place

    I participated in this CTF with the bER4bb1t$ CTF team. Altough I was traveling during the competition it was still fun to look at some of the challenges. The year before we got 2nd place but this time we were sadly missing pwn and rev players.

  • 27th place

    This ctf had a really cool style and story where you are a post-apocalyptic hacker and the two different coasts fighting against each other. We teamed up with HackPack a student group at the North Carolina State University for this one and got a good placement as the NestingPack team.

  • I didn't really help much this ctf due to exams but I gave it my best and had a fun time realizing that I still have a lot to learn.

  • Sadly I couldn't be present at the finals in cairo due to the travel cost being to high, still our team did pretty well.

  • The Samsung Security Tech Forum really did a great job at creating a challenging competition with some really cool prices altough we didn't win anything.

  • 16th place

    A beginner friendly ctf where we got all the flags. There were a few hard challenges but in the end we got them all.

  • A cool and exciting qualification. We almost didn't get into the top 10 but another team was disqualified so lucky for us I guess.

  • 61st place

    Another ctf from a really skilled highschool team with a really cool digital art exhibition.

  • 31st place

    Didn't solve many challenges during this competition but I remember the one's I looked at to be really fun.

  • 7th place

    The View source high school ctf team really created a fun challenging competition with really cool challenges. I hope they keep up the good work.

  • This one was really hard and we didn't solve many challenges but still I am really proud of our placement. Next year I'm hoping for top 50.

  • Fun CTF from the guys at Typhoon who are also the creators of the TyphoonCon offensive security conference. The KeyGenMe chall was a fun and creative one that really suprised me.

  • A jeopardy style competition and the first one I participated in with the NestingDoll CTF team. It was a great experience and the challenges, especially the OSINT ones, were really fun.