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CTF Writeup | USB100

This is a writeup for the USB100 CTF challenge from Blackhat CTF.
I participated in this competition with the bER4bb1t$ CTF team and had a lot of fun with the challenges.

USB100 Challenge Description

Altough this was an easy challenge it took me quite some time to solve it.
Attached to the challenge was a PCAP file which showed some USB traffic when opening it in Wireshark.

PCAP file shown in wireshark

My first thought was that this traffic was from a USB keyboard due to a past CTF challenge. But it turns out my hunch was wrong and it there were some file transfers happening instead.

Quick sidenote:

I solved this challenge a very complicated way and went an extra mile I didn’t have to. If you want to read the simpler version please checkout the very well written writeup from InFeRnOo which you can find on his blog.

I noticed that some interesting data was transferred in packets from the USB protocol described as “URB_BULK out”. After looking at the wireshark documentation we can use the filter usb.capdata to filter out these packets. To be more precise the interesting data is in the Leftover Capture Data field which we can add as a column by right clicking it. To work with this data better I used tshark to filter the data in the terminal.

$ tshark -r send.pcapng -Y 'usb.capdata' -T text
85  15.483881  host → 1.7.2  USB 4123 52435...7c38000… URB_BULK out
91  15.485612  host → 1.7.2  USB 4123 52435...8c58000… URB_BULK out
97  15.487361  host → 1.7.2  USB 4123 46494...0000000… URB_BULK out
103 15.489464  host → 1.7.2  USB 16411 ffd...607070609… URB_BULK out
109 15.493185  host → 1.7.2  USB 4123 5243...cec58000… URB_BULK out
115 15.499419  host → 1.7.2  USB 4123 5243...f1c58000… URB_BULK out
121 15.501246  host → 1.7.2  USB 4123 5243...cec78000… URB_BULK out
127 15.503022  host → 1.7.2  USB 4123 4649...00000000… URB_BULK out
133 15.505004  host → 1.7.2  USB 65563 ffd...405050406… URB_BULK out
139 15.513381  host → 1.7.2  USB 4123 5243...e4c78000… URB_BULK out

Now we can extract the packets into one single hex file:

$ tshark -r send.pcapng -Y 'usb.capdata' -T fields -e usb.capdata > raw

-r: Packet file to read data from
-Y: Display filter
-T: Set the output format to ‘fields’
-e: Adds field to list of fields to be extracted
To really work with this data I converted it to one binary file using xxd

$ xxd -r -p raw output.bin

-r: reversed the hexdump into binary
-p: plain hexdump style
Now we can look what data we extracted using binwalk:


The ‘Microsoft executable’ is looking a little suspicious so lets extract the files and take a closer look:

$ binwalk --dd='.*' 

Now we just need to rename the executable to a .exe and execute it either on windows or usig wine.

got the flag

Thank you for reading.